
Thinking About Rehoming Your Golden?

We understand that life can be unpredictable and sometimes people may find themselves in a situation where they are unable to take proper care of their dog. Our biggest concern is that someone may end up feeling so helpless that they consider giving away or selling their dog to a stranger. This puts the dog's safety and well-being at risk because, without proper references and home checks, there is a chance that the dog may end up in an unhealthy or abusive environment.

We want to ensure that your beloved pet gets the home it deserves, which is why we advocate for responsible ownership and encourage people to seek help from reputable rescue groups when they are unable to care for their dog.



Note: Rehoming is a permanent decision.

Gold Ribbon Rescue knows that rehoming your dog is a very difficult decision, but sometimes - it is the only one to make. If you choose to rehome your dog, you'll be asked to complete a Surrender Application and a Transfer of Ownership form. Your signature on this contract represents a permanent decision on your part. This legally binding contract gives full ownership of the dog to Gold Ribbon Rescue. This allows us to provide veterinary care and down the road, legally adopt out the dog to a carefully pre-screened 'forever' home.

We consider adoptions through our organization to be closed, meaning that we do not reveal the identities of either the rehoming or adopting parties. This ensures your privacy, as well as the privacy of the adopter, will be protected.

Please note:  Gold Ribbon Rescue does not accept Golden Retrievers with known aggression or bite history.


Complete a surrender application

We appreciate the hard decision you have made to rehome your Golden Retriever.  To start the process and find the right home for your Golden Retriever, you will need to submit a Surrender Application (see below) or call our hotline at (512) 659-4653 (GOLD).

Upload photos

When completing the Surrender Application, please ensure that you upload recent photos of your Golden Retriever. If you did not, send recent photos to with your name and the name of your Golden Retriever.


Send medical records

Have your veterinarian email all medical records (including vet notes, test results, and any x-rays if applicable) to

Intake evaluation

Once your Surrender Application and photo reviews are complete, a Gold Ribbon Rescue volunteer will contact you. We’ll schedule a time to meet with you and your Golden for an intake evaluation.

Transfer of ownership

If we have agreed to accept your Golden Retriever into our care, you will need to sign our Transfer Of Ownership agreement. This is a legally binding contract that gives Gold Ribbon Rescue legal ownership of the dog.


You will need to be home and allow us to pick up your Golden Retriever during the day when our vets are open.  We normally aim for a morning pickup, but we can sometimes accommodate a later pickup, depending on what vetting needs to be done.  All incoming Golden Retrievers require a stop at one of our preferred veterinary offices for intake vetting before moving into their new home.


Please know that as soon as we receive your Surrender Application, our teams are already starting to discuss options for your Golden Retriever.

  1. After our transport volunteer picks up your Golden Retriever from you, the dog will be dropped off at one of our preferred veterinarians for their intake vetting. This includes, at a minimum, getting caught up on any core vaccinations (rabies, DHLPP, Bordetella) and Heartworm. As part of the intake vetting, your Golden Retriever will also have a spa day while at the clinic. This includes a bath, nail trim, and ear cleaning.
  2. After finishing at the vet's office, our transport volunteer will return to the clinic for your Golden Retriever. They will transport the dog to either their foster home or a foster pending home to begin their life as a Gold Ribbon Rescue dog.

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