
Thank you for your interest in adopting a puppy from GRR

Note that we do not adopt out puppies to families with children under the age of eight or to homes where all the adults work long hours.

Puppyhood: Myth vs. Fact

We are often contacted by families wanting to adopt young puppies. While we do occasionally get pups aged 8 to 12 weeks or so, most of our young dogs come in at 6 months or older. We tend to get them after the novelty wears off and the reality of bringing up a boisterous large-breed youngster sets in. It’s often the case that new owners acquire their pups from backyard breeders and pet stores who do not take the time to educate them on the realities of Golden ownership. Getting a Golden pup means dealing with a couple of years at least of “puppy” behavior—and, of course, making a commitment to 12 to 15 years of conscientious care. “We didn’t know he’d get so big and active and need so much attention,” “He’s too wild to do anything with,” “He jumps all over the kids” —these are comments we hear all the time. As a responsible rescue organization, we'd like to make you aware of some of the myths involving Golden puppy ownership—and then give you the actual facts.

We also encourage you to read "Is a Golden Right for Me?" for more information. In addition, please read “All about Goldens” on the Golden Retriever Club of America’s website. You'll also get information about finding reputable breeders on this site.

Thank you for your interest and for carefully reading this information. By making an educated and informed choice, you’ll avoid becoming one of the surrendering owners of the future. If you have further questions, please contact us at 512-659-4653.

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