
Positive for heartworms?: 
Extraordinary Golden Fund recipient?: 

GRR Number: 24-056

Type of Surrender: Owner Turn In

Status: Matched

Age: 6 weeks


Melody is an EGF Golden because she needed a week of 24/7 care at an Emergency Hospital.  Melody is a wonderful example of animal rescue.  This is her story:  Gold Ribbon Rescue received a call from a woman who had two adult dogs (one was the mom) and three puppies and she needed the dogs gone by end-of-day.    The owner said originally there were 12 puppies but all had died except these three.

Gold Ribbon Rescue sprang into action!  A volunteer jumped into her car and drove four hours to pick up the five dogs and four hours back to Austin, arriving at Foster Hara’s home late in the evening. Hara immediately noticed that puppy Melody was very sick:  she was quite small, lethargic and dehydrated.

Hara rushed her to an emergency hospital where they determined Melody has coccidia and as a result, her glucose level was 44 and it should have been over 100.  Melody was admitted to the emergency hospital where she was carefully monitored, given a dextrose drip and subcutaneous fluids.  The first 48 hours were critical for this sweet puppy and everyone was worried as tiny Melody weighed less than 2 lbs. 

Melody was tiny and weak but she is a fighter.  After 6 days at the emergency hospital getting the best veterinary care, she was ready to return to her foster home.  Two weeks later, Melody is happy and playing with her siblings.  Such a happy ending for this sweet girl.  Melody is currently matched to her forever family.    Melody is a true example of rescue. 


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