
Join Us Become a Member!

"Being a member of GRR means to me that I have a little bit more of a vested interest in the organization and a strong belief in the mission. I feel more connected to the success of GRR as a member and know that every dollar helps fund the needs of the dogs. As a volunteer for the past 12 years, I feel that my membership helps tie my commitment to Gold Ribbon Rescue all together." - A currrent GRR member and volunteer

We invite all Golden owners and anyone who is interested in helping needy Goldens to become members of Gold Ribbon Rescue. Membership is one way to show your support in our mission of helping and rescuing more Goldens.

Additionally, many of the grant-funding organizations that we apply to for our Goldens require that we exhibit a strong and sustained membership base. Joining GRR as a member helps us establish this base.

Freedom 24-020

We believe the greatest benefit you realize as a GRR member is knowing that your money helps Goldens in need. Membership has its privileges and so, as a GRR member, you will:

  • Stay better informed on everything within GRR through meeting notifications and updates.
  • Be able to take a more active role within the organization and have a greater say in how GRR is run.
  • Vote at our annual/semi-annual business meetings and Board election if you qualify as a voting member.
  • Work with and collaborate with Golden lovers who support your values.

Typical veterinary costs:

$50 - Basic wellness exam
$100 - Rabies, DHLPP and Bordetella vaccinations
$250 - Vaccinations plus heartworm test and fecal testing
$500 - Spay or Neuter
$750 - Dental cleaning and extractions
$1,000 - Heartworm Treatment
$1,500 - Orthopedic procedures and surgeries (minimum)

Please take a moment right now to join or renew your GRR membership. Thank you!

Note: Gold Ribbon Rescue is a 501(c)(3) organization;  no goods and services were provided for your membership fee.  For current tax deduction information, contact your tax advisor.

Membership & Donation Options

GRR membership is $50 for a 12-month period with all membership funds supporting the rescue, care and rehoming of dogs in need. If you want to help a dog even more, please consider an additional donation with your membership to help cover veterinary costs.

$ 50.00
Personal Info

Donation Total: $50.00

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