I'm ready for my new family!


I'm Available Bonded With: Tova

A Tale of Two Tails

"There is a familiar quote from the classic book A Tale of Two Cities about the contrast of life being the best and worst times. For Tova and Chai, their tails suggested the latter. Reminiscent of Eeyore’s nail in his tail, they wonder, “Will it be days, weeks, months before we are live our best lives?”

So far, this pair has experienced less-than-ideal circumstances. Raised for breeding, these two hadn't experienced all life has to offer a dog outside these conditions.  Life is good now that they are GRR Goldens and living with their foster mom.  But they are still looking ahead for their forever family.

The best of times? Perhaps seeing these two waiting for you when you return home, open the door, standing side by side, tails wagging in unison, eager to greet you with all their love and affection.

Their foster family describes Chai as a big, sweet teddy bear and Tova as a happy, dear, sweet girl. Chai and Tova, we believe your best is yet to come! Could you be their forever family?"

Tova and Chai are a beautiful bonded female/male pair of Goldens who were found wandering alone out in the country. A caring samaritan took them in temporarily as they were exhausted, had no collars, were hungry, and had cactus spines stuck in them. These two are incredibly loving and gentle and prefer to be right beside their human(s) as much as possible.

Tova has never met a stranger; she knows some basic commands and is both happy and confident. She is easy-going, and seems to understand and appreciate her new life with toys, comfy dog beds, all the cuddles! Tova aims to please and learned her name quickly. She is extremely bonded to her companion, Chai, and will give him kisses; however, she is also happy to meet and enjoy the company of other dogs as well. Tova is a character and will toss a toy into the air and catch it herself! She also has a silly smile that she displays showing off her teeth when she is seeking attention or being silly - she will definitely keep you smiling!

Chai is somewhat of a couch potato, and wants to be close to his human(s); he is described as a “big Golden shadow” who likes to keep his eye on you. He is friendly and easy going, enjoys the company of other dogs, especially his buddy, Tova, and is like a big, cuddly teddy bear! Chai will play some (mostly tug-of-war) with Tova, but prefers physical human contact more-so than toys. He does love treats and is happy to assist during mealtimes as the Crumb Cleanup Crew. Chai is very observant and is both attentive and sensitive to how his human(s) are feeling - he is the sweetest boy!

Ideal Home: The most important need for Tova and Chai is a family who can provide a home for both of them together. They are true companions and have an affinity for one another. Both dogs are fairly low energy and would do well in a quieter home. The two of them do get underfoot often, so having sure-footed humans in their family would be helpful (they want to be RIGHT beside their people as often as possible).  Tova and Chai will be amazing family dogs, they love people, getting pets and snuggles, other dogs, and are both such happy rays of sunshine.  Could your family be the right match to take in this precious pair?

Stay tuned as we learn more about these Goldens.  If you are interested in these dogs, please contact your matchmaker.

  • Golden Retriever
  • Male
  • 6 Years OldMy DoB is 12/23/2018 (Estimated)
  • 51 - 60 Pounds
  • Gold - Medium
  • Gentle and Friendly
  • Not Tested With Kids
  • I Like Select Dogs
  • I Don't Like Cats
  • Not Tested With Small Animals
  • I Have Not Been Tested with Farm Animals
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