I'm ready for my new family!


I'm Available

Meet GRR’s dapper gentleman, Ozzy. This loveable boy was a stray who had been roaming on his own and was initially in definite need of some TLC. Ozzy is adjusting well to the “spoiled life” as he adores receiving attention, loves having a routine, and is always willing to join you on the couch for some cuddles (only after being invited, of course). Ozzy is affectionate, loves praise from his human(s), and is the ultimate companion. He has the quintessential Golden personality that we love. He’s also reportedly a great assistant in trying to catch flies outside (when he snaps at them, his upper lip sometimes gets stuck showing off his happy smile).

Ideal Home: For Ozzy, a home where he will be cherished and receive never-ending love is a must. After an unknown past, he deserves the best future where his love and adoration will be matched by his family. This lovebug is obedient and has no issues with the foster’s cat. He’d do well in a home with other nice dogs or as an only dog. Could sweet Ozzy be the perfect addition to your family?

  • Golden Retriever
  • Male
  • 7 Years OldMy DoB is 08/12/2017 (Estimated)
  • 61 - 70 Pounds
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