2/13/25 Update: Ollie recently went in to see his neurologist for a recheck. He needed some adjustment to his medications and is still experiencing the small focal seizures as well as the drowsiness which is a side effect of his seizure medications. We are hoping to find the right combination of meds to enhance his quality of life while keeping the bigger seizures at a minimum.
He is such a sweet boy and really loved playing with the new friends he met when he was at respite. He proudly carried around balls and joined in several bitey face sessions. He hasn’t met a snack he wasn’t ready for and is a major cuddle bear.
12/30 Update: How do you spell Couch Potato? ---- O L L I E. Ollie is chill much of the time as he’s happy napping and cuddling on the couch. But let someone open the fridge door and Ollie comes running to help check out the fridge as he never knows what tasty morsel MIGHT be available. But in general, Ollie is a low energy couch-potato with a heart of gold.
Ollie can be such a goof ball. The funniest thing he does at night is to curl up like a pill-bug to sleep. Then he stretches out and curls up again but when he stretches this time, he’s facing the other way. Not sure how Ollie does it but he seems to enjoy it. Ollie has a knack for getting himself stuck and not being able to get out of it. He has gotten stuck under a stool while checking out the pantry, under an elevated dog bowl trying to get a piece of forgotten kibble and behind a bush that he got tangled up in. Suspect Ollie could have gotten out of each of these situations if he really wanted to but instead, he decided to take a nap.
Ollie’s foster describes him as chill, loving, friendly and sweet. He gets along with everyone --- small, tall and fury. He’s well-mannered and walks well on leash with his harness. He’ll likely be fine with cats since he’s so low key and he’s simply the sweetest boy. Ollie is a handsome, happy, and fun-loving Golden Retriever with a heart full of love.
While he enjoys occasional zoomies in the yard, he’s more of a cuddle bug who prefers to rest or snuggle rather than go for long walks. At 75 lbs, Ollie’s idea of the perfect day includes lounging with his favorite people, getting belly rubs, and being showered with affection. He’s incredibly loyal, forming strong attachments, especially to his favorite person, and thrives on human companionship.
Ideal Home: Ollie would do great in a chill environment with another dog he can play with. He takes medication for seizures which are currently controlled and should be in a one story home with few stairs going outside. Ollie likes his people so he’ll do best in a home with someone there much of the time. Ollie is not an athlete but needs and enjoys short, slow walks. Are you Ollie’s forever home?
Special Considerations: Ollie is on medication for seizures with the goal of reducing them to as minimal as possible; however he will likely have seizures on some level, lifelong. So he needs a home that is familiar with or open to managing his condition. He requires daily anti-seizure medication, and while his seizures are manageable, they require understanding and patience. Ollie also benefits from a calm environment with another chill dog for companionship, as he tends to relax best when he has a furry friend nearby. He'd do best in a home without steps.
As we continue to learn more about Ollie, know that he may grow and change. Please talk to your matchmaker for the most updated information.