Fostering Eligibility and Policies

What It MeansTo Foster a Golden

Are you committed to providing a safe, happy, healthy, loving home for a foster dog during its transition to adoption? We are looking for homes with lots of love to give and time to spend with the dog.

Please understand fostering a rescued dog in your home should be a commitment you are making about the dog’s needs being met and not about your own personal needs being met.


Fostering Eligibility and Policies

GRR reserves the right to deny an application to foster deemed not appropriate for a rescued Golden. 

Age eligibility: Applicants must be at least 21 years of age.

Fences: GRR requires a fenced yard attached to your dwelling (dog parks do not qualify). The fence must be at least 4' high. GRR does not accept an invisible fence as an appropriate fence. Barbed wire and cattle guards are not acceptable fences. Dogs need sufficient room to exercise and play.

GRR reserves the right to deny any applicant who:

  • does not have a private attached fence or
  • an appropriate yard for a medium or large size dog
  • does have a type of fence that may be unacceptable for the dog

Why do I need a fence?

Children: GRR does not allow  families with children under the age of 8 years old to foster. This policy is for the benefit and safety of your children and the dog.

Puppies: Dogs under 6 months old cannot be left longer than 2-4 hour increments.

Being transported: The dog shall always ride inside an enclosed vehicle and never in an open truck bed, whether contained in a crate, loose or tethered.

Family Schedules:  Goldens are active dogs and need to run, play, exercise, potty and have mental stimulation at least every 4 hours. Puppies may need the same in 2-4 hour increments.

New Dogs in Home: The family has not adopted, or is currently fostering a dog or otherwise acquired a new dog within the past six months.

Medical/vetting requirements for resident cats and dogs:

  • Resident dogs (or recently passed) in the home are required to be altered, up to date on all core vaccines, have received annual health exams, heartworm tests, and have received year-round heartworm preventatives.
  • Cats should be altered and up to date on their rabies vaccination, or as recommended by the veterinarian.

When applicable, we will request at least a three year vetting history. We also acknowledge there might be exceptions due to the frailty of senior pets or for certain medical conditions and treatment plans.

GRR only accepts heartworm preventatives deemed appropriate by the American Heartworm Society. Titer tests may be deemed acceptable.


Previous adopters and fosters: GRR requires a new interview and/or home visit if 5 years have passed (address change, new pets or new residents in the home will require a new phone interview and/or home visit). GRR reserves the right to require one or both to be completed sooner.

Out of area applicants: We cannot consider applicants outside of the central Texas area due to the inability to complete the home visit portion of our interview process. We do not ship or transport dogs for adoption. We must have a GRR volunteer in your area who will be able to complete the home visit portion of the application process. Contact us to verify we have coverage in your area to conduct a home visit if you live outside the Austin/San Antonio metropolitan areas.

Leashes: Do you agree to keep the dog on leash anytime he or she is outside an enclosed fenced-in area? This is for the safety and protection of the dog from unexpected and sudden dangers.

Inside When Gone: Do you agree to keep the foster dog inside the home any time the family is sleeping or away from home? Places such as, but not limited to, screened-in porches and garages (even if air conditioned) are unacceptable. This includes closing access to a dog door to prevent the dog from being able to go outside the home when the adults are gone. How will you manage this?

Aversive Training Methods: Any type of electronic/battery operated collar such as, but not limited to, shock/vibration collars, choke collars, prong collars or excessive use of force, for example, is not allowed. We believe in science-based, fear-free, force-free positive reinforcement training. If you need recommendations for trainers in your area, we are happy to help.

Dog houses and kennels on the property may be deemed unacceptable and will require further explanation.



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