Preparing Our Dogs For Adoption

How We Prepare Our Dogs For Adoption

Gold Ribbon Rescue thoroughly vets our incoming dogs and performs a number of tests and we observe the dog's personality and behavior in a foster home. We strive to know as much as we can about our Goldens in order to find them the right forever family.

  • The dog is examined by a Gold Ribbon approved veterinarian
    • Vaccinations brought up to date
    • Health issues identified and treated
    • Heartworm tested, treated if necessary
    • Given Heartworm preventative
    • De-wormed
    • Placed on flea and tick preventative
    • Spayed or neutered if dog is old enough
  • Foster care for a minimum of three weeks
  • Temperament evaluated
  • Activity level evaluated
  • House training started, if necessary
  • Crate training if appropriate
  • Basic obedience training started if necessary


Gold Ribbon Rescue strives to ensure that any of our foster dogs receive proper medical care. This includes, as needed, vaccinations, heartworm treatment, treatment for intestinal parasites, and any surgeries for known and existing conditions while the foster dog is in our care.

While we would like to be able to perform extensive medical tests on every dog, we have only the capacity to do so when a medical condition is obvious while the dog is in our foster care program. Medical testing such as heart, hip, eye, kidney and liver assessments on what appear to be healthy dogs is not within the financial capacity of any rescue group.

When we adopt our rescue dogs, we do our utmost to understand and share with our adopters any known medical conditions that one of our foster dogs has been treated for and which may present as a limitation post-adoption. For example: we may have a senior with obvious hip dysplasia, but total hip replacement surgery isn't reasonable due to the dog's age.

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